My life lesson that we all can learn, is not to get mad at a simple thing. We all are guilty of this, including me. This is my story. Hayley, Lauren, Brittney, and I are all best friends or as you would say BFF’s. I have other friends too, but that’s a differenent story. One day during P.E. we were all on one team and Hayley and Lauren were talking about going home with each other well me and Brittney were standing right by them and got a little well scratch that we got a lot mad. Brittney said to me “I live right down the road and they never invite me anywhere.” “Ya I no what you mean Lauren goes home with me every day and do I get invited? No!” We got angrier than we should have we probably could have handled it better. We went over to Lauren and Hayley and told them how we felt and they got mad too. That day at lunch Brittney and I sat together and Hayley and Lauren sat together. After two days of silence I need my friends back. So I talked to Brittney and told her that we needed to work this out with the other two. She solemnly agreed. We told Hayley and Lauren that we needed to talk and to sit by us at lunch. When we all sat down to lunch and started eating I was the first to talk. I said “This has gone on long enough and we need to understand each other without getting mad.” They all agreed. So we talked it out and in the end it was just a big misunderstanding. Now we are all best friends and every one has put it behind us and anytime someone gets angry we talk it out. That is my life lesson.