The Blueprint Selection

In my backyard there are many things to do. Things such as swimming, playing tether-ball, jumping on my trampoline, shooting my bow, swinging on the hammock, and gardening. There is one specific time that I can remember when all of my friends came over and we hung out and jumped on my trampoline like we were all 5 years old again. We played tag, and crack-the-egg, and we just sat and talked for at least 2 hours. After we all got tired of being outside, the had all had our fair share of mosquito bites and the tether-ball had hit us all in the face at least once (but really it was because we could no longer see the hand in front of our face) we all went inside and watched a movie. Now there was a large debate about what kind of movie to watch, but the 4 girls sent the guys into the other room because we were going to choose the movie and we were not going to watch a horror movie or an action movie that we would get bored with quickly. After a much needed debate about this life-changing decision we had come to the agreement to make them suffer for eating all of my fruit-snacks, and we were going to watch the chick-flick about a mermaid searching for love on land. No it was not the red headed mermaid but the blonde with the aquamarine high-lights…Aquamarine. No of course there was mumbling and grumbling from the guys, but since they had no better option we all decided to watch it. (Plus, I think they thought that the mermaid was hot.)

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