On September 4, 2010 from 8:30-4:30 I was in a mock scenario to train the White Oak Fire Department. What we did was we did a tornado ambulance wreck and an explotion Iwas in the explosion. We started by making fake skin by using petroleum jelly flour and coco powder and then we decided what we were going to be in. Then it was time for makeup and mine was easy it was red face paint crayons lemon jello and tissue paper to represent the falling off skin. we also had burnt clothing to make it look real. Then it was time to act it out. We had to do it three times for three differnt groups of people. they asked us questions like “How are you feeling?”, “Were does it hurt?”, and “What happened?”. Then they ranked us Priority 1,2,3 or dead. Then after that was over we got to go home and that is something I’ll never forget.